"10 Essential Types of Photos to Use for Your Personal Brand"

If you’re on this page, you’re likely interested in capturing photos for your personal brand and wondering what types of pictures you should take. Don’t worry, you’re in the right place! In this article, you will find detailed information to help you find the answers you need.


Before we start, let me tell you a few words about myself and why I believe my expertise will be relevant to you.


I’m a brand photographer based in Barcelona, and I have helped over 150 entrepreneurs build and enhance their personal brands using visual marketing tools. Moreover, as an entrepreneur since 2014, I have achieved significant results in my career by properly utilizing these tools.


As a photographer, I’ve always had access to beautiful pictures of myself. However, when it comes to actually building your business, having just beautiful pictures is not enough. You need to consider much more than aesthetics. You must think about the message you’re transmitting and to whom you’re transmitting it, as this ultimately affects your income.


1. Professional Portrait and Headshots 

Professional portraits including headshots are essential for social media avatars and any brochures you use. A proper professional headshot can help you create a strong first impression and present you as a competent professional. Professional headshots don’t need to be boring and not always on a white background. You can use backgrounds and colors that represent your industry and personality.

2. Lifestyle Photos

Lifestyle photos humanize your brand and make it more relatable. They showcase your personality and way of life. People buy from people, and this is an excellent way to display your personality and lifestyle. Take such pictures while enjoying your hobbies or daily routine activities that are meaningful to your brand or personality. The setting should be natural or as close to your natural environment as possible. 


3.Photos in a Work Environment

These photos demonstrate your professional process and show how you work. They help clients see you in action. 

You can show yourself working, creating products, attending meetings etc. Try to take as many variety of angles as you can to make ths shots more engaging.


4. Creative or provocative photos

This type of content is designed to evoke a WOW reaction from your audience and attract significant attention. It's particularly beneficial for those in the artistic industry but also serves as a powerful tool for launching a new product or online course to engage more people.

When posting on social media, mix these creative shots with more basic content. This ensures that new visitors to your profile still see a professional image.


5.Group Photos

Capture moments with colleagues, partners, or clients. Group photos emphasize your ability to work in a team and interact with other professionals.

Be mindful that some individuals not directly related to your business may not want to be included in your branding images. This is perfectly fine.

You can take photos of yourself interacting with others without showing their faces to respect their privacy.

6.Product or Service Photos

These photos highlight what you offer and how your products or services can benefit clients.

It´s important to take high-quality shots of your products or services in action. Use real-life situations and clients to demonstrate the value of your offerings.

7. Detail Shots

These types of pictures are quite similar to the previous one, but I want to separate them. Even if you don't have a physical product or service, you can still showcase details related to your personality or profession. Bring props to your photoshoot that represent your work or personality. This could be a laptop, watch, book


8.Event Photos

Photos of you attending events, seminars, and conferences within the professional community are invaluable. They showcase your involvement and leadership within the industry, particularly if you are a speaker at such events.

Event organizers often hire photographers to capture these moments. Approach them directly to access the photos or inquire with the event organizers.

I personally dot´t offer services for events photography so I just show you some of my images from the events I participated. 

8.Family Photos

Deciding to include family photos in your portfolio is a personal choice. It can be a powerful way to connect with your audience, especially if your profession is related to family dynamics, such as family psychology.

If you believe that family pictures will enhance your message but you're uncomfortable showing your family or children, consider focusing on detail shots or images that preserve their privacy. For example, you can capture hands or take pictures from behind.

10.Travel Photos

Travel photos are similar to lifestyle photos but deserve their own category. While lifestyle photos capture your daily life, travel photos tell the story of your adventures and experiences. Or perhaps travel is a significant part of your lifestyle!


These are the main 10 types of photos you can use to showcase your values, personality, and professionalism but of course there are more. By leveraging visual marketing, you can significantly enhance audience loyalty and increase your income. However, achieving these results requires attention to every detail to ensure they work in your favor. You can read more about my aproach and prices here.



If you have any doubts, questions, or are ready to have your Personal Brand photos taken, I’m here to help.I’ll provide professional guidance tailored to your specific needs and organize the entire session for you. We’ll create not just beautiful images, but pictures that truly elevate your brand.


Just send me a request, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.